
Welcome to the HisTEI project!

HisTEI is an open-source framework for the Oxygen XML Editor that allows historians and historical linguists to transcribe texts in TEI in a word-processor-like view. The source code is hosted at GitHub and is comprised of Java modules, CSS, XML schemas and special settings that Oxygen uses to put them all together in framework files.


Check out some of the features available in HisTEI!



HisTEI offers a base set of these files, that projects can then customize for their own use. Currently, there are three frameworks available:
  1. HisTEI: base framework for English
  2. EMST: framework for English used by the Emerging Standards project
  3. Amsterdam: framework for Dutch used as part of my dissertation project
  4. MIB: framework for the Medieval Irish Bilingualism project - http://mib.histei.info/mib.xml
These can all be accessed in the /dist folder on GitHub. It's much easier to add their URL to Oxygen though, so you can get automatic updates. Documentation is now on the GitHub wiki, so check that out for instructions:

Getting Started HisTEI

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